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Re: Ignition and sparks

To: Barrie Robinson <>
Subject: Re: Ignition and sparks
From: Theo Smit <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 15:08:06 -0700
Cc: paul <>,,
In-reply-to: <>
Organization: Dynastream Innovations Inc.
References: <> <> <>
Reply-to: Theo Smit <>
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.4 (Windows/20050908)
Hi all,
I'm not trying to be an MSD apologist here...but at least their FAQ doesn't slag the others' product.

I've used the MSD6-AL in my Tiger for a number of years, with no trouble, and with fewer ignition related hassles compared to the Mallory Unilite that it replaced.

You should be aware that coil energy related issues show up twice as quickly in a V-8 as they do in a four cylinder engine, simply because the coil is run at double the rate compared to the four, for a given RPM. When I was campaigning Toyotas I never had an ignition problem that I could directly trace back to the coil charging time or anything like that, but when you look at the coil charging current waveform produced in typical transistorized ignition and coil, and then extrapolate it to the time available at 6000 RPM in a V8 application, it becomes pretty clear that you need something more. Pretty much anyone that is running a high RPM V8 in competition has either MSD (or Jacobs, or one of the other high-voltage coil drivers) or a crank-trigger ignition with two-cylinder coil packs, because that's what works.

I did some testing on this with a Pertronix and a Ford TFI module on this a few months ago - I'll see if I have scope pictures.

Best regards,

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