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RE: Front Lever Shock Valve and oil replacement

To: <>
Subject: RE: Front Lever Shock Valve and oil replacement
From: "Susan and Jack Brooks" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 21:37:21 -0800
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Susan and Jack Brooks" <>
> Could anyone on the list  tell me the proper procedure for 
> changing the valve and oil in the front lever shocks on a 1974 MGB ? 

1. Drain the shock,
2. Change out the valve,
3. Refill the shock.
4. Insure all the air is out, by exercising the shock arm to expel all of
the air, before replacing the fill port plug. 

I like to do this with the shock off the car on my TR3.

It's a British car.  It is as simple as it looks.


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