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RE: Supercharging?!?

To: "James Jewell" <>, "James Nazarian" <>
Subject: RE: Supercharging?!?
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 12:10:41 -0800
Cc: <>
Reply-to: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Thread-index: AcX8ZQ4cLFiLAM25T3eAMLsgTMTXUAAlqMlw
Thread-topic: Supercharging?!?
James Jewell Wrote:

>     I think Nitrous, for short bursts of power, as needed, is the best
> way to solve our problems without adding to the thermal mess.

James:  That is my thought too.  Unfortunately thanks to Arnold my TR8
has to retain the original fuel injection and catalytic converters.  My
performance demands of this car are not really high, but I figured that
Nitrous would be the way to go if acceleration was not acceptable.

Luckily the other BOP V8s I am running don't have such restrictions.

For those interested there are some very wild Rover SD1 installations on
European and Australian websites.  My favorite is a twin supercharged
Vitesse with a home built twin Plenum Fuel Injection.  Give a man a TIG
welder and it's interesting to see what he can build.


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