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Engine Interchange Questions

To: "v8" <>
Subject: Engine Interchange Questions
From: "James Nazarian" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 19:46:40 -0400
Reply-to: "James Nazarian" <>
Thread-index: AcWtvRGNgfg9v1nmTsOVD2HtWpM9ig==

Over the course of the summer I've been autocrossing my V8 pretty heavily
with the SCCA.  As of last month I was in third in my class, I could have
probably made second but I blew up my engine a few weeks ago.

Over the winter I converted to a mustang T5 and mounted a performance
mustang clutch to my lightened Buick flywheel.  I think the flywheel is out
of balance, when I rev it up I feel some vibration that I don't remember
being there before.  I have a source to have it balanced now but I need some
engine work.  The first time I hurt the engine one of the bearings started
to break up but I was able to fix it before I lost oil pressure.  I swapped
in another set of bearings as a last ditch effort to finish the season.

The second time I wasn't so lucky, I didn't catch it soon enough and I lost
all oil pressure and got a pronounced knocking.  I shut it down during my
last run of the autocross before the engine came apart.

At this point I feel it is necessary to rebuild the engine for safety's

So now for the question...

I'm considering updating to one of the more modern engines but I won't have
the time or money to get into changing everything.

I need to retain my Buick bellhousing (so that I can keep the T-5), front
cover and accessories, headers, and intake.  If I source a 4.2 or 4.6 Rover
engine, will these parts interchange?  I'd like to keep my flywheel too but
I can always lighten the new one.

It will probably be easiest to rebuild my current engine but I want to know
what my options are.


James Nazarian
71 MGB Tourer
87 BMW 325es

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