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MidOhio Vintage Grand Prix

To: "''" <>
Subject: MidOhio Vintage Grand Prix
From: "Deikis, John" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 11:14:57 -0500
Reply-to: "Deikis, John" <>
If anybody's interested in seeing two-perhaps three-B-V8's in racing trim
scaring the bejeezis out of Camaros and Mustangs this weekend, the races at
MidOhio may be of interest.  This event is the last race of the Australian
Healey Challenge.  You can see a bunch of foreign cars with bad brakes and
lots of understeer, driven real fast, by folks with funny accents and a
taste for cold lager beer.


Looks like I'm going racing my hardtop Midget (rebadged as an A-H Sprite)
by my lonesome this weekend, which means I will probably have some crew
passes available.

Crew is always helpful as I am prone to hypomanic agitation immediately
preceding races and forget to do things like put gas in the car or take my
helmet to the false grid.  When things go wrong, I am subject to episodes of
profound depression.  Medical training is not a pre-requisite, but being
handy with a tire gauge helps.  Or, just watch the racing.


Right now, I have a tentative taker for 2 passes.  I get a total of 3 and a
buddy of mine may have 2-3 available.  Email me before  Thursday, 4:30 PM
EDT.  If I have more takers than passes, I'll go with the earliest replies.
I'll put your name on my crew list when I check in on Friday morning. You
can go 3, 2, or just 1 day....unless you're intent on REALLY being crew, in
which case 2-3 days of hands-on assistance would be REALLY appreciated.



Chelsea, MI

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