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Strange splutters

Subject: Strange splutters
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 08:32:16 -0700
Reply-to: Barrie Robinson <>
My first test run of my MGB GT with Rover 3.5L was disaster and I need some 

The engine would die in a sort of jerky spluttery way -but no backfire.  I 
seemed to get it going again by pumping on the throttle - but not certain 
if that did any good really.  It got progressively worse (over roughly 
200km) until I would have to crank the engine quite a while, move off for 
another short distance.  Just barely made home.  Think it was fuel problem 
so I have drained the tank - not really much muck in there, took off the 
in-line filter and judging by the gas that spewed out, it was not 
blocked.  Pump (Moprod) needs to be checked but it was ticking away quite 
merrily before.  The carb looks okay but the Edelbrock is a mystery to me 
and I do not know what to look for.

But here is a sort of clue maybe.  A week or so ago I foolishly left the 
ignition on and the battery went flat.  Can I have damaged the condenser in 
the dizzy, or cooked the coil??

Any thoughts anyone ....and thanks in advance for your responses


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060  

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