Apologies, for not getting a reply from Moss, your e-mail got sent over
to me, and I'm buried with updating the catalogs, and didn't have a
quick answer to your questions.
Hopefully someone on the list may have quicker reaction time.
1. I think that the cups fit into the holes on the door, and the clips
then push into the cups. I'm a bit confused, as I've not seen the cups
in the doors. I'm used to the plastic clips just popping into the
2. I tried installing the later illuminated knobs on my 1970 MGB and
found that I couldn't do it. The lever mechanism was different between
the two types. This was over 20 years ago and the 71 knob is different
than the 70, so hopefully someone else has a better answer.
3. I think heater control to the right, heater/defrost to the left.
But I'm guessing, it's been a while since I noticed as the panting of
hamsters on the ankle hardly makes it worthwhile twiddling the knobs.
1) I have a 71 B roadster that I'm reassembling. I made new interior
that I'm ready to recover, and the door ones fastened with 13 blue
cllips. I found them in the Moss catalog (226-670) and I'm about to
when I notice they also have CUPS (226-675) in the same qty and
apparently for
the same car since ther is no car nbr mentioned. I didn't take the car
and I don't have anything that looks like the cups in my mess of boxes
parts. What are they? What do they do? I tried emailing Moss but
they're not
very quick about replying and I'm losing summer fast!!
2) For the same car - will new style colored heater knobs fit my old
controls? Mine have white painted letters and I need to replace
3) Also - which control goes where on the two places on either side of
steering column?
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