I'll bite, but it isn't the kind of info you are really looking for.
Medina Mountain Motors in Medina, is the only shop I know anything about.
It has been about 10 years since I have had them do anything for me. Back
then, they were very good (used to be Medina Autoparts, Machine Shop). I
have heard from others that they are still very good. I don't know a thing
about their capabilities or prices any more. I'm sure there are a lot of
shops closer to you, but I'll leave that to you.
Steve Chivington used to be out in your neck of the woods. He didn't do the
kind of work that you need, but he has been around for at least 20 years.
Again, no contact info, but the Emerald Necklace would know if he is still
around. Sorry, but I don't even know the name of his business.
James Nazarian
71 MGB Tourer
I asked on the list for a recommendation for a Clevaland Ohio shop who
good, accurate work but got no replies. I've found a place in our Yellow
Pages who seems expensive and I dont know about their reputation. Can
help here?
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