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Re: Re: Lowered springs]

To: "William M. Gilroy" <>
Subject: Re: Re: Lowered springs]
From: "Tim McDaniel" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 20:26:48 -0600
Cc: <>
References: <>
Reply-to: "Tim McDaniel" <>
Sent some dimensions to one of our spring vendors today.
Unfortunately our rep won't be back until next Monday.
I work for an oil company which manufactures pumps and expendible parts for
world wide usage.
We are hoping one or several of our spring vendors may give us some insight.
Will let you know.

Also, I received a short reply from Dave Headley at Fab-Tek if anyone is

----- Original Message -----
From: "William M. Gilroy" <>
To: "Tim McDaniel" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 11:23 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Lowered springs]

> I saw this pop up on the V8 list in someone else message.  I get the
> feeling that you are going to do some measurement of original springs
> vs. the Moss springs.  I would be very interested in the results.  You
> already know my opinion about after market springs.  Anyway if you could
> either send me (or more likely the list) what you are going to do and
> what are the results I would be thankful.  Thanks.
> Bill Gilroy

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