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Re: timing

To: <>
Subject: Re: timing
From: "JJJ" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:31:32 -0400 (Eastern Standard Time)
References: <>
Reply-to: "JJJ" <>
 "It occurred to me at some point that I have plenty of air coming into the
engine bay but I don't think that I have much going out."

Hmm, you must be converting mass into energy then (or storing the missing
air in bottles somewhere).  I suggest keep a Geiger-counter in the car with
you at all times just to be safe.   ;-)
Sorry, I couldn't resist being a smart-aleck for a second, but don't ever
tell your fluids instructor you said that.  Yes the wheel-wells on nearly
all cars are low-pressure zones for the reasons Barrie and Bernoulli have
listed (See, Barrie, I mention your name up there with all the great minds
and those Aussie headers do look great!!!).  Even if some mud does find its
way into the bay through the wings, I wouldn't worry.  That will occur for
the same reason I can throw a ball and knock over a working fan, and salmon
can swim upstream: the moving object has more kinetic energy than can be
removed by the fluid it is passing through.

Ok, well its time for me to go home and mix up some zinc-chromate primer for
the B.  Healthy things, those chromates....

JJ (cough...) J

[demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 

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