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Goodies for MGBs

Subject: Goodies for MGBs
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 15:18:15 -0700
Reply-to: Barrie Robinson <>
You may have guessed by now that I like solving little supply problems.  I 
did the O-ring thing and got those kits together. Then I did the sweatshirt 
event.  Now I have two more.  Please reply if you are REALLY interested in 
the items below - this allows me to bulk order to get decent prices

The Dzus problem
I hate it when the Dzus fastener falls out of the hole in the battery cover 
and it rolls under the seat.  So how would you like 5 Dzus fasteners of the 
correct size with a retainer so they stay in their holes - AND a ring head 
which means you do not need a tool (or quarter) to unfasten them!!!

The stuck bonnet problem
I have heard of quite a few who have been stymied when the bonnet latch 
release cable breaks!  How would you like a simple back up system that 
installs easily and costs roughly $20.  This price is very very budgetary 
as manufacturing costs have not been obtained.

Please note this is a request for interest only.  No product is actually 
available - but I'm working on it!


Barrie Robinson 

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