A while back you said you liked some black B with flares.
I found some at a reasonable price when I was in Florida last week. Not
far from my son's house is British American Motors.
It's run by a Brit who knows what he's doing. I got to look at 4
MGBV8's right there....all running and finished. He makes his own
flares...doesn't like the full fendered type. One car had been built and
run for 5 years and the flares still look great !
He cuts the fender and pulls the inner fender out and rewelds
them toghther for strength, then bonds the 'glass flare
over it. Check out his site :
then click on : Featured Cars
His fiberglass MGC hoods ( bonnets ) look to be very well made and even
have steel glassed in for the hinge mounts,
so they work like stock.
Next time I go down there I think I'll spend my money on my B
instead of the rest of the family....that is if I can sell some of my
odds and ends in the meantime.
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