Just had my engine in and out again and the column was out but can't see it
been a problem if it's in. I have the RV8 headers so can't comment on the
block huggers (for the record tho', my headers were off the engine).
I have the mounts on the engine (aluminum brackets and then rubber mounts).
I did discover the only way to get the nuts on the rubbers once engine is in
car is to have the rubber mounted so the bolt is in its lowest position
(assuming we're using the same mounts, of course). There's just enough room
to screw on the nut inside the frame-mounted bracket. If rubber is out 180
degrees, I couldn't get the nut between bolt and frame.
One thing I'd really recommend is one of those engine-hoist levellers. I
didn't use one on the removal and the engine went from about 20 degrees
nose-high to vertical in about 1.5 seconds. The wife was half- way across
the road when the engine settled.
Hope this helps.
Simon Austin
>Hi All, I am about ready to install the Rover V8 engine and gearbox into my
>1/2 chrome bumper conversion. A few questions remain and your help is
>Block hugger headers on or off for installation?
>Steering column in or out during installation?
>Motor mounts on engine or mounted in compartment?
>Any other secrets you care to share would be appreciated.
>Al Dufault
>Adirondack Triumph Association
>A British Car Club
>"Featuring All British Marques"
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