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engine hesitation and dwell

To: "mgs" <>, "v8" <>
Subject: engine hesitation and dwell
From: "james" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 21:52:50 -0600
Reply-to: "james" <>
Sorry for the offense but I am cross-posting in case anything here is V8
particular, and because there are some real smart folks on the mgs list.

I was playing with the V8 today trying to tune it since I lack a driveshaft
and ran into a problem.  It is an Olds V8, carter 4bbl, and what sounds like a
real big cam.  I tried to set the dwell to 30deg as per the shop manual but
can't.  I get 42deg regardless of where I move the adjuster, however, there is
a definite change in idle speed and running quality when I move the adjuster.
There is one point where the engine seems very happy idling and running, but I
can't get the dwell numbers right.  Why might I have this problem?  The points
definitely move with the adjuster, and the point where the engine runs best is
near the .015 gap listed but you can't actually get a feeler cleanly into the
points due to obstructions.

As for the hesitation, when I slowly increase revs I pick up some severe
stumbling.  It is less severe with a quick rev and hold, but still
problematic.  I can't seem to get past 4k RPM because of this problem.  While
the could very easily be jetting, could it be related to my dwell problem?

Can someone please explain to me what could be wrong to cause my dwell
problem?  I wonder, if I were to connect the pos lead of the dwell meter to
the wrong side of the coil would this be my problem?


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