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Fw: Forwarded: Re: V1 #847

To: "V8 list" <>, <>
Subject: Fw: Forwarded: Re: V1 #847
From: "Telewest" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:18:15 +0100
Reply-to: "Telewest" <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "it.answers" <>
To: "V8 list" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: Fw: Forwarded: Re: V1 #847

> It can be that hard ...  To get it through the hole in the inner skin you
> have to sort of fold it in two.  Once in you unfold it and get first one
> ends rollers in and then the other.  I'd have more details but it was 12
> years ago.
> > ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> >      From:
> >      Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 23:06:30 EDT
> >      Subject: Re: V1 #847
> >
> > I'm reassembling a B roadster which I bought in pieces. The time has
> to
> > put the window and regulator back into the door, and I'm ashamed to say
> that
> > the hard-earned knowledge from years ago as to the relatively painless
> to
> > perform this feat has slipped away into the ether that was once my grey
> > matter. I know (and remember) that it can't be as hard as it has been
> trying
> > so far .. so can anyone on the list shed some light?

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