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Re: V8 rubber engine mounts ... again

Subject: Re: V8 rubber engine mounts ... again
From: "Simon Austin" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:34:41 -0800
Reply-to: "Simon Austin" <>
Good question, Larry.

I'm at the same point myself with the mounts. I don't know if there is a 
right or wrong way for the bolt but I'm thinking if you want to mount the 
engine as low as possible (excluding actually moving the frame mounts) 
attach the rubber mounts with the bolt "high".  This is what I was planning 
on doing.

It may only make a difference of an inch or so, but that may be a world of 
difference to allow breather clearance.


Simon Austin
Vancouver, BC

'74 MGB Roadster
'77 MGB Roadster v8 project

>Hi all, well it's time to replace my rubber engine mounts.  I'm using
>the MG system, the round rubber mounts.  Assuming I put them in right
>the first time I may not be needing to ask this question but here goes
>How are they positioned?  The single stud that sticks out of one side is
>not concentric.  Should the stud be in the high position or the low
>Larry Hoy

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