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Re: Newsletter

Subject: Re: Newsletter
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 19:59:23 EST
In a message dated 11/25/2001 6:10:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> V8 Newsletter is an interesting individual/group. I sent a check last March
> and never received a newsletter etc. When I went back and found the check
> had not cleared I emailed an inquiry. No reply. I emailed again and was 
> told
> they had no listing with me. So I sent off another check. Within three 
> weeks
> both checks cleared. Still no newsletter. Emailed again and was told they
> would forward the spring copy several times, but nothing. Friends told me
> the spring letter was a mess. I emailed and told them to just refund my
> money and received a reply email telling me the letter was non profit and 
> to
> go to hell. What one has to do with the other I have no idea but the
> character - Don R - comes across as quite the idiot. Tempted to turn it 
> over
> to the Postmaster. DC. 


Unfortunately, I can't do anything about your dealings with Don R., nor can I 
give you a refund (Don R. holds all the money), but if you will give me your 
postal address, I'll see to it that you recieve a copy of the spring issue. 

The reproduction quality of the spring issue was not all that I would have 
liked for it to have been, but I think it was a good issue nevertheless. The 
copy I will send you will be printed by me, on my own printer, rather than by 
a print shop in Florida, so the reproduction quality will be good.

Also, I will see to it that your name goes on the subscriber list for the 
time that you have paid for if you don't get a refund from Don, and if I can 
get the subscriber list from him (refer to my previous post on this subject).

My apologies for your bad experience,

Dan Masters,
Editor, The British V8 Newsletter.

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