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Re: Cooling the beast

To: Barrie Robinson <>,
Subject: Re: Cooling the beast
From: Jim Miller <>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 06:25:53 -0700 (PDT)
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: Jim Miller <>
--- Barrie Robinson <> wrote:
> There seems to be little formal data on cooling MGBs
> when a V8 is dropped 
> in.  I have been battling the problem and juggling
> CFMs with space, water 
> pump mods, dropping sway bars and a myriad of other
> things.  Would those 
> who have running V8s like to contribute towards a
> loosey-goosey data base 
> on cooling by filling in the details below.
> Engine - Buick 215, RV8 headers, 78MGB
> Radiator -- D&D's MGV8 Radiator, 4 core
> Mechanical fan  Y/N Yes, 16" from D&D. Doesn't cool
well (slowly overheats) when stopped in traffic. 
Added one MG pusher fan and that helped significantly.
 Looking to get rid of the mechanical fan this winter.
> Air Conditioning   Y/N -- No
> Electric fan -- Looking into a 10" - 12" fan and the
MG pushers as backup.
>          size (dia of blade)
>          rated CFM
> County/Province/State -- Michigan
> Performance -- "B" (Fine but could be better always
watching the temperature gauge on hot days when
stopped in traffic)
>          A = Absolutely fine
>          B = Fine but could be better
>          C = Needs to be improved
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