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Re: Going on a road trip with the V8

To: "" <>, MGB-V8 <>
Subject: Re: Going on a road trip with the V8
From: Glenn <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 06:47:47 -0700 (PDT)
In-reply-to: <p04330100b7be6d4fd974@[]>
Reply-to: Glenn <>
Hmm....I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it. I did
make the tow truck driver promise that the pics he
took of my car on his flatbed wouldn't end up on the
internet.   Actually the car never made it to Portland
on my first attempt to return from Maine :-)  On the
2nd trip, I did stop in Portland to buy a case of oil,
which got me the next 600 miles.  Unfortunately, I
still had to buy 4 more quarts on the NY turnpike. 
Gotta love buying oil at 3.50 a quart.  On a positive
note, I don't have any need for undercoating on the
car now.

Good luck on your trip.


ps.  Keep the cell phone and AAA handy.

--- ""
<> wrote:
> >We're going on a road trip to the Black Hill with
> some folks in the MGCC,
> >Rocky Mountain Centre from Sept 7th through Sept
> 11th.  After that my wife and
> >I will leave the group and take a trip to Portland.
> No! you can't go to Portland...that's where Glenn
> had all the trouble 
> with his car!
> Oh wait, you're going to Oregon...nevermind   ;-)
> Joe Pitassi
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