Guess I oughta put in my two cents here.
My first drive with my V8 was from Denver to Cleveland, last fall. I
had the wrong coil for the non ballasted points ignition. Frankly it
was amazing that it made the 1500 miles. Well at the meet all my
buddies helped diagnose my problem. I could swap the coil, or I could
add a ballast resistor. I opted for a new coil and bought the Pertronix
from Dan L at the meet.
Today I just noted that since the meet I've driven the car a little over
9000 miles. I've not done anything to the ignition since then. No
points (obviously) no timing adjustments, no new plugs, nuttin.
Just drive it.
So I gotta say, a plain old NAPA coil, no ballast resistor, and a
Pertronix in a stock dizzy works well for me.
Larry Hoy
>-----Original Message-----
>I have a Mallory Magnetic distributor & Promaster coil with a
>HyFire electronic ignition that I ran on a Rover 4.2. This is
>probably a good setup for a race engine or high performance
>semi- street automobile, but is not, in my opinion, a good
>setup for a daily commuter vehicle, which is the way my car is used.
>For daily usage, back & forth to work, heavy traffic, some
>stop & go mixed with beltway driving, I find that vacuum
>advance makes my car more drivable, & than engine temp in
>traffic is lower, especially with the air on. For this reason,
>I went back to a points distributor. One car has been
>converted to a Pertronix electronic ignition, the other will
>be when I get around to it.
>I don't think any ignition system is ideal for everyone. The
>best for you depends on how you use your car.
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