----- Original Message -----
From: "bown" <bown@concentric.net>
To: "Bruce" <brucemills@dccnet.com>; "MGB Newsgroup" <mgb-v8@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: Low compresion
> I have a few questions:
> When the 3.5 was rebuilt were the cylinders re-bored?
> If so, are you very sure that they were done accurately?
> Were the cylinder surfaces nicely honed?
> If they were not re-bored are you sure that they shouldn't have been?
> What kind of piston rings were installed?
> How many miles are now on the engine?
> What was the break-in (run-in) period like? (How fast did you drive?,
> When was the first oil change done after the rebuild?
> What kind of oil and oil additives are you using?
> How much oil is the engine using?
> What temp thermostat are you using?
> Regards,
> Jim B.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bruce" <brucemills@dccnet.com>
> To: "MGB Newsgroup" <mgb-v8@autox.team.net>
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 1:20 PM
> Subject: Low compresion
> > I did a compression test on my Rover 3.5, newly rebuilt, on each bank
> there
> > is on cylinder at #150, all the others are at #175. There is a black,
> > like substance in the tail pipes. My guess is that the 2 low cylinders
> > compression rings didn't properly seal and oil is being blown into the
> > exhaust. How much of a problem is this. If I have to do a ring job next
> > winter while the car is stored I don't mind doing it but I am not
> > sure of what the problem is.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bruce
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