>Is it just me or is there some kind of prejudice against customizers
>out there? I'm a polite, friendly guy, I dress well, I dont drive a
>Porche, and I'm always willing to listen to the idiot on the other
>side of the counter or phone. I cant tell how many times I've just
>gotten the phrase 'I have a customized MGB' or even 'project car'
>out of my mouth, and the knowledgeable fellow says, 'I cant help you
>- we dont get into that'.
> Just today I called every frame shop on the west side of Cleveland
>trying to find anyone who would even talk about work on my frame.
>They're a club of wimpering Sally Boys, too timid or unimaginative
>to use their talent and tools on something not 'in the book'.
>They'll straighten out a wreck that some drunken lout has wrapped
>around a tree until it looks like new, but they 'dont get into'
>anything customized. No amount of cash or offering to sign waivers
>could shake their small, insurance/lawyer clouded minds to realize
>that we have 'real' cars, too, and might need work done someday.
> I went home and fixed it myself with a cutoff grinder and acetylene torch.
sorry to hear about your tribulations, but it doesn't really surprise
me. back when my GT was still on the road, I tried to find a shop
that would do an alignment for me after I replaced the tie rod ends
on it.
"what kind of car is it?"
"It's a 1973 MGB"
"A what?"
Or, places couldn't do it because it wasn't "in the computer" on the
new modern systems. So, I ended up buying a toe guage and did it
myself. Unfortunately (or sometimes fortunately) you have to take
care of a lot of things yourself with these cars. In the long run, it
did save me a lot of money and I knew my GT inside and out after a
couple of years, though I did have a very talented British car
mechanic rebuild my engine only because I didn't have the time to
take it on back then.
The big difference though is that, no chances are you don't have a
frame straightening facility in your garage, and it's a shame that
nobody would help you. There's gotta be some hot-rodding place around
that can help you...i mean, they replace entire front and rear frame
assemblies on chassis from the 30's and stuff (though, maybe they
wouldn't be too familiar with unitized bodies...).
I don't know...keep looking?
best of luck,
Joe Pitassi
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