MGBV8 Conversion Rover 3.5
I got my electrical problem worked out. 2 wires reversed.
The car starter right up. But the oil pressure dropped to ZERO and I shut it
off. Took a look and couldn't see any leaks and tried again. Started the car
and revved her up and the oil pressure gauge did not move. Shut it off
Prior to starting it up I had packed the rebuilt up-rated oil pump with
Vaseline and primed the engine. This I did by using a drill and turning over
the oil pump. I purged the oil pressure to sending unit line and then with a
mirror attached to the steering wheel achieved oil pressure of 75psi. With
the rocker covers off I could see the oil weeping out of the rocker/rocker
So the question is what happened to the oil pressure. Any ideas would be
I am going back to the shop to prime the engine again and make sure that the
gauge and pump are working and that I have oil in the sump and that the
filter is not plugged. It might be a problem with the rebuilt up-rated pump
but will wait until I am sure to pull that.
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