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Re: Cruise control

To: Larry Hoy <>
Subject: Re: Cruise control
From: Kevin & Deana Brown <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 07:50:03 -0500
Cc: MG V8 List <>
References: <>
Reply-to: Kevin & Deana Brown <>
I had one that I purchased from K-Mart years ago that I ran for a long time our 
rear wheel drive Toyota Corolla and then on a Mazda Pickup.  It just ran off of
engine RPM (wire hooked to the coil like a tac would be) so you didn't have to 
any sensors mounted on the drive shaft.  It had a control unit that mounted on 
turn signal stalk and worked pretty much like a GM cruise control does now.  It
cost about $75 in 1982.  It would work well with a V8 MGB.  It had a wire that
hooked to the brake light circuit so that it would disengage when the brakes 
applied.  It also automatically disengaged when there was a sudden increase in
revs, like when you pushed the clutch in.  It was easy to install.

Kevin Brown
Odessa, MO

Larry Hoy wrote:

> Well many of you know I made the 3000 mile round trip to the V8 convention.  I
> decided there are still many little things to sort out, but all in time.
> I have decided the accelerator pedal needs a bit of tweeking to get it in the
> right position for a long trip; and wouldn't cruise control be great?
> Anyone out there have any experience with cruise control units?  I guess I'd 
> interested in specifics, like; what you used, where you bought it, etc.
> Thanks.
> Larry Hoy
> "It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"

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