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SCCA solo II and V8's

Subject: SCCA solo II and V8's
From: Glenn <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 12:49:11 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: Glenn <>
Just interested if anyone out there had actually
entered their V8 in a SCCA sanctioned Solo II event. 
James Nazerian (sp?), if your still on the list, I
thought I read that you were setting your car up for
autocross.  I've been having some enjoyable
correspondence with a few racers (Thanks go to Jim and
Larry for reading my long emails) about general racing
issues, but would like to talk to someone who has or
is planning to use their V8 in SCCA events. I'd be
interesting in what class (EM?) you were in, and if
you felt you could be competitive in that class.  

You can either email me privately at
"", or if you feel its of any
value to the list, respond to the list.

Thanks again,


ps.  I should have the rest of my web page pictures up
this weekend.  You can actually see a pic of my car
now (with the Honda wheels) at

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