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Review of Nunda (NY) Sports Car Festival

Subject: Review of Nunda (NY) Sports Car Festival
From: Glenn <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 10:56:55 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: Glenn <>
Since attendance at the first Nunda (NY) Sports Car
Festival was pretty small, I thought I would send
along a note to let everyone know what they missed,
and that they should definitely plan on attending next

The festival was hosted by John and Rebecca of S & J
Classics.  The weekend was extremely well organized,
and both proved to be very gracious hosts.  Many
thanks to John and Rebecca as well as their staff of
volunteers (who at times seemed to outnumber the
participants) for both their time and financial

Friday started off with an evening tour of Lechworth
State Park.  A beautiful place for an evening ride. 
There were probably a half dozen LBC’s, a couple of
B’s, a couple of A’s, a TR6, and my B V8.

Saturday morning started with a TSD rally, my first,
through some beautiful curvy country roads of upstate
NY.  The significant other and I finished our first
rally third, but I won’t mention 3rd out of how many. 
The TSD rally was followed by a Gymkahna in town that
proved to be a lot of fun.

The highlight of Saturday was an autocross, with 8 or
9 LBC’s and one Lotus Super 7 (on slicks)
participating.  Thanks go out to George and Dave for
helping to setup the autocross course for the
participants.  Everyone participating (and watching)
had a great time, and it even drew a little crowd of
spectators from town to watch the activities.  It was
my first autocross, and the V8 proved to be a lot of
fun. The Lotus in the hands of a very experienced
driver was a marvel to watch.

Saturday evening was topped off with a great live band
that played into the wee hours of the morning.  Sunday
afternoon finished the weekend with an open car show
in town, with awards and door prizes given away.  Top
door prize was a hot air balloon ride for two over the
state park, which we  won :-)

To sum it all up, if John and Rebecca decide to host a
2nd annual Sports Car Festival, you owe it to
yourselves to plan on spending the weekend.  You’ll be
sure to have a good time.

73 MGB V8 (with cone marks on both fenders)

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