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A bit off-topic

To: mgb-v8 list <>
Subject: A bit off-topic
From: Andy Bradley <>
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 21:02:15 -0700
Organization: Bradley Engineering
Reply-to: Andy Bradley <>
Sorry about the off-topichood of this question, but I figured a bunch of 
problem solvers like yourselves might have some

The subject is automaitics.  I have an SO who refuses to stick it and needs to 
drive an auto.  Modern freeway speeds and
sanity maintenance requres overdrive.  Anyone have any thoughts on the best 
four-speed trans to put into my two project

A 215 V8 MGB-GT is the main one in querstion here.  The other car that needs to 
be automaticated is an MG ZB Magnette
with an 1800 MGB engine (out of guess what...;^).

So I guess the parameters are four-speed overdriven and small, small, small...

Thanks in advance.

Cheers....Andy B.
Bradley Restoration

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