Okay, I can understand why I'd want to go with a 205 or 215. The problem
still lies in the offset. The minilites typically have the same offset as
the rostyles. Maybe I should just ask a more direct question. There is
ample info on this in the mgs list archive, but I can't find an answer to the
following question.
What is the largest offset, I can safely use with a 14" 6" wide rim?
In a message dated 6/26/00 1:18:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mhartwig@midsouth.rr.com writes:
<< I'm running 195/60-15 Yokohamas and they are fine. They are mouted to
15x5.5' minilites. 185 seems mighty small for a 6" wide rim. 205 or 215
seems to be a closer match. Why not go +1 like I did. To me, larger rims
make the car look much better.
Mik >>