A trip to my local NAPA dealer to price a 1984 Honda Accord fuel pump
was a dissapointment. These guys usually treat me pretty well on prices,
they like my V8, some of them are actually car people, but the price was
still $80.00.
I whined a bit, but the best I could do, was if a bunch of us got
together, they would try to cut us a break. So much for that idea.
An earlier E-mail to the techies at Holley was answered last nite, they
have no fuel pump in their product line to meet my(our) needs. Will try
Carter, if I could only find a web site & E-mail address.
For now, I'll just trudge along with the little square noisey thing.
Later, I will improve the mounting as suggested by Glenn Towery, using
the rubber exhaust mounting studs from a late model B.
Jim Stuart