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V8 connecting rods

Subject: V8 connecting rods
From: David Kernberger <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 16:44:50 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: David Kernberger <>

To all,

        It's time to ask another question--it's been at least 2 weeks since
the last time.

        In addition to stock Rover, Rover P 76, stock Buick/Olds F-85,
small block Chevy, and Buick 300, what other rods have been used in
building the 3.5 and larger Rover/Buick/F-85 engines?????  Apparently
Childs & Albert used to make a special rod, and there are several very
special and rare rods mentioned in David Hardcastle's book, but what about
other production items???  I have heard Chrysler mentioned somewhere, but
no details, don't remember where, but it was on either the buick-rover or
mgb v8 list.  I have often wondered if any of the General Motors v-6 items
might have worked out.  At least some of them used the same rod bearings as
the stock Buick/.F-85 rods.

        If anyone knows anything at all about this question, I would sure
like to see something about it posted to the list.  Of course, dimensions
and details would be great, but even just year and make would be a start.

Dave Kernberger

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