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Re: Am I measuring this correctly or just losing my mind ?

To: Mike Cousins <>
Subject: Re: Am I measuring this correctly or just losing my mind ?
From: Jim Stuart <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 21:05:30 -0500
Cc: "'V8 List '" <>
References: <95543615EBC1D111895C0000F84AE21392CE1B@MSEXCHANGE>
Reply-to: Jim Stuart <>

Just checked my engine location, with the A/C type mounts, should be
1-1/2- 2" back from yours.Center of the rubber mount on the frame to
radiator mounting panel 14"- this should be the same as yours. With a
Buick front cover, end of the water pump shaft to radiator panel 3-1/2".
On your car, you should have 1-1/2-2" clearance.

Do you have the engine mounts reversed? I have done this. The end of the
adapter (block mounted piece) that bolts to the rubber biscuit is at the
front of the engine between cyls 1 &3. If it is at the middle or rear of
the engine, swap sides.

Do not have any Rover front cover info except faulty memory, but my
recollection is that it is the water pump that is longer, not the cover,
& you have eliminated that with a Buick 300 water pump from Ted.

Trust us, it will fit. You will probably have to move your radiator
forward of its original location. With longer bolts & spacers, it will
mount in front of the panel on each side.

Jim Stuart

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