2 sets of bolt holes on the bellhousing is good, will work with a T-5. 1
set may be O.K. If the spacing left to right is 6-1/4", NO GOOD, this is
the 3-speed trans version & will not work. Any other pattern (only 1
other exists) is O.K. for a T-5. Sorry, I do not have the 4-speed
pattern to measure.
Prices- I have paid as little as $100.00 for a complete engine, (turned,
but not running, unknown insides) including manifolds, starter, carb,
etc, up to $500.00 for a running engine.
Some common parts prices- 4-speed bellhousing $150-200, intake manifold
(4bbl) $100-150, good front cover $75, oil pan $25. Many times the parts
are worth more than the whole.
Hope this helps.