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To: V8 list <mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: convention
From: Jim Stuart <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 23:38:39 -0400
Reply-to: Jim Stuart <>
Sender: owner-mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Just a reminder that the V8 Convention is getting closer. If you have
not registered yet, it would be good to do so now. This will give Kurt
and others a better idea of how many are coming, and allow us to do a
better job of organizing.

A schedule of events & a registration form, as well as other info is at
my web page,

On another, related subject, I would like to know if there is any
interest in having pictures of your cars taken with a digital camera.
These pictures could be loaded directly into your computer. There is a
relatively new camera out that stores pictures directly on a floppy, & I
am considering the purchase. As a way to recoup a little of the cost,
about $700.00, I was considering "renting"  the camera including 1 or 2
flopies, to whomever would like to take pictures. It has close-up
capabilities, so engine detail, etc. could be captured. I am no
photographer, so you would be taking your own pictures.

Any comments pro or con? Too crass a comercial venture? What would it be

Jim Stuart

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