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[Mg-t] Discussion?

To: Mg-t Net <>
Subject: [Mg-t] Discussion?
From: Wayne Francis <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 23:24:51 +0000 (UTC)
References: <>

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All -=C2=A0 =C2=A0As I slowly progress in the re-assembly of my early ('50)=
 TD I will solicit the wisdom of the group on a few topics:
(1) =C2=A0I just sent my Jaeger, flat-face, chronometric speedo to Mo-Ma fo=
r refurbishment ($!). =C2=A0Interestingly, it reads in km/hr vice miles/hr.=
 =C2=A0Any idea why a British car would have a km/hr speedo, and how rare i=
s it?
(2) =C2=A0For those who have converted to wire wheels do we assume that the=
 Moss spare wheel adapter is the default conversion? =C2=A0Has anyone run i=
nto an alternative adapter for the spare wheel, or is there a more "creativ=
e" way to do it?
(3) =C2=A0When I completed the dis-assembly of the car sometime around mid =
80's I noted that the big end of the steering gaiter did not have a clamp, =
but had a loop of wire tightened around the rubber with a neat little twist=
 to finish it off. =C2=A0Amongst my old parts that I'm going through I actu=
ally found the original wire clamps that I had saved for "originality". =C2=
=A0The small end of the gaiter had the usual, but early design, screw-clamp=
. =C2=A0Any ideas how common or unusual the wire clamp is? =C2=A0I'm pretty=
 sure it's original and very nicely done.
(4) =C2=A0I've noted that the color scheme shows the "hinge" connecting the=
 lower seat cushions to the seat back is painted black. =C2=A0Mine were nev=
er painted, and are just cadmium (?) plated. =C2=A0Is this unusual?
=C2=A0 =C2=A0Hoping for some discussion/answers on these as the list seems =
quiet lately.
Thanks,WayneOjai, CA
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<html><head></head><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; f=
ont-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:16px"><div id=
=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490">All -</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0=
_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490">&nbsp; &nbsp;As I slowly progress in the re-as=
sembly of my early ('50) TD I will solicit the wisdom of the group on a few=
 topics:</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490"><br></div><=
div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr">(1) &nbsp;I ju=
st sent my Jaeger, flat-face, chronometric speedo to Mo-Ma for refurbishmen=
t ($!). &nbsp;Interestingly, it reads in km/hr vice miles/hr. &nbsp;Any ide=
a why a British car would have a km/hr speedo, and how rare is it?</div><di=
v id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><div i=
d=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr">(2) &nbsp;For those=
 who have converted to wire wheels do we assume that the Moss spare wheel a=
dapter is the default conversion? &nbsp;Has anyone run into an alternative =
adapter for the spare wheel, or is there a more "creative" way to do it?</d=
iv><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr"><br></div>=
<div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr">(3) &nbsp;Whe=
n I completed the dis-assembly of the car sometime around mid 80's I noted =
that the big end of the steering gaiter did not have a clamp, but had a loo=
p of wire tightened around the rubber with a neat little twist to finish it=
 off. &nbsp;Amongst my old parts that I'm going through I actually found th=
e original wire clamps that I had saved for "originality". &nbsp;The small =
end of the gaiter had the usual, but early design, screw-clamp. &nbsp;Any i=
deas how common or unusual the wire clamp is? &nbsp;I'm pretty sure it's or=
iginal and very nicely done.</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_147144750721=
3_48490" dir=3D"ltr"><br></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_4=
8490" dir=3D"ltr">(4) &nbsp;I've noted that the color scheme shows the "hin=
ge" connecting the lower seat cushions to the seat back is painted black. &=
nbsp;Mine were never painted, and are just cadmium (?) plated. &nbsp;Is thi=
s unusual?</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"lt=
r"><br></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr">=
&nbsp; &nbsp;Hoping for some discussion/answers on these as the list seems =
quiet lately.</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D=
"ltr"><br></div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"lt=
r">Thanks,</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"lt=
r">Wayne</div><div id=3D"yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1471447507213_48490" dir=3D"ltr"=
>Ojai, CA</div></div></body></html>

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