Good morning Listers,
Too much fun; but what the Ruck is wrong with Toyotas and golf?
Can anyone tell me why Lucas 1130 running lamps have the tell-tail jewels,
medallion, or nothing at all? I would like to know what characteristic
differentiates which cars have what.
1951 TD
Brentwood, California
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Mike Duvall <> wrote:
Shoot the messenger? What is that? Just as the messenger posted his
opinion others have the right to post opposing opinion and faulty
logic. When you speak in an open forum, your you become subject to
the opinions of others. A comment like: Sounds like another craig's
list scam to me would have a far different reaction than a pseudo
legal argument.
Maybe I could sue the poster for frightening me away from a good deal?
The legal fear was way overblown. If a local expert mechanic makes a
suggestion ending in a bad result, he may be professionally liable.
Someone posting something on an open forum who is not an expert
charging for their advice is not subject to the same legal criteria.
I am amazed at how ego centric people are about personality types.
We all have to a assuage certain egos when people have a differing
Walton Smith
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