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Re: TD Speedo cable/ bashing

To: Bullwinkle <>
Subject: Re: TD Speedo cable/ bashing
From: Carl French <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 02:48:42 -0700 (PDT)
 Ahh, bashing things to make them work, classic British repair 
Actually when I first fired it up the pump ran and ran and then the fuel 
overflow ran and ran for a bit. A couple of good whacks to the front float bowl 
and I was AOK. It cant hurt to give it a try. I am taking it to work this AM.
Bullwinkle <> wrote:

Does the TD have magnetic or chronometric units. Sometimes a magnetic
unit will stick if it hasn't been used or cleaned for awhile. While
driving the car, whack the dial with the flat of the hand or bang the
dash next to it with a clench fist. Don't do it so hard as to break the
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