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RE: Cab Dimensions and Floor Support Photos

To: "'William T Snyder'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Cab Dimensions and Floor Support Photos
From: "Jes�s V. Benajes" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 09:44:02 +0200

If I understand, you try to replace the original floorboards. I have some
pictures I took when restoring the chassis and the tube. I am sending some
of them to your email.

I can take more pictures, since the car is still unassembled. Just let me
know what you want to see.

In addition to the assistance I can give, Schachs restoration manual would
be very helpful, since it covers that section.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En nombre
de William T Snyder
Enviado el: domingo, 25 de abril de 2004 1:37
Asunto: Cab Dimensions and Floor Support Photos

I am finishing up the restoration on my '53 TD's chassis and I am getting

ready to tackle the body cab. DPO unfortunately welded a metal floor in

the thing that I will now have to remove. Does anyone on the list have

good photos of the bottom of the cab showing floor plywood supports and

other components of the subfloor? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I want to build support jigs for the cab for use during

restoration. Does anyone know the appropriate measurements for such a jig

or support frame? I hate to reinvent a wheel that someone else has

perfected. Also information on good references for such info is welcome.

I have the Malcombe Greene text and a workshop manual currently.

Thanks in advance.

Bill Snyder

'53 TD under construction

PS Does anyone out there have a good used transmission tunnel (front

portion) that they would sell? DPO buggered mine up pretty well.

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