I remember reading that quote from WFK Woods (wish I could remember
where), and I can't recall where it was I read that the Crane cam has
characteristics similar to that third MG camshaft. All the engineering
types around this neck of the woods agree that the Crane is the best to
get (new) these days, because of its larger circle and smoother action.
The take-up of the clearances may be more gentle than it was with any of
the MG cams and it is made with today's metallurgy.
Crane suggests 018 intake and 020 exhaust ( I belive that's what their
literature says) and it is to those clearances that I set my engine when
the cam was first installed. Later, perhaps 5500 miles later, I read a
suggestion by Skip Kelsey that the clearances for ordinary driving (not
racing) should be 014 and 016. I questioned this, and his reply was that
he had got that from a Crane engineer, had run his XPAG engine at those
clearances for 50,000 miles, and felt that low-end torque was better with
the opening advanced slightly this way.
I adjusted to those as an experiment. Engine runs better than ever.
The loud valve clicking that was present at Crane's settings is reduced
greatly, to about what I recalled from the old 2nd version camshaft that
was in the engine.
So, were I to do it again, I would rebuild with another Crane as I am
quite content with it now.
On Mon, 09 Sep 2002 14:48:51 -0500 Bullwinkle <> writes:
> Bob:
> I can't speak from actually experience as I've never
> experimented with the different cams in the same engine.
> However, all recommendations (several) I've read say the
> late TD 0.012" cam gives better accelleration and pulling
> power in the lower RPM range around 4000. To quote WFK
> Woods:
> "168553 (or later number AAA3096) was introduced after
> TD2/24116. It has very good low speed characteristics,
> hence good accelleration and pulling on hills. Its peak
> poser output is equal to, or perhaps a bit berrer than
> X24084. (the early cam) Use this cam ina any street
> machine, whether standard or of fairly high tune."
> Again, according to all references the XPAG cams are not
> long lived. So, if it really is on it's last legs, then
> synthetic may be too late.
> --
> Blake
> MGA twin cam
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