Last week we were discussing the oil fitting on TD steering rack, when
the question of the missing ball arose. I cited an article written by
Chip Old in TSO. Some asked for it to be reprinted. I asked for
permission to do that. TSO does not release copywrite permission, but the
editor suggested that back issues might be purchased from Eric Scott, 3
Ivy Lane, Monroe, CT 06468, and that that I paraphrase the paragraphs.
Something wedged in the gears is either from outside the box (dirt) or
an internal part. Dirt gives the steering a crunchy feeling and will
cause rapid wear. Clean it. A foreign object that can lock up the
steering is the little ball inside the grease fitting. It is
spring-loaded, acting as a one-way valve, allowing you to put oil into
the fitting and to hold it in there. Ball & spring are retained in the
fitting by a little pein inside the fitting. If it wears, pressure from
the grease gun forces ball and spring inside the rack housing, and if the
ball gets into the teeth of the rack or pinion gear, steering locks. This
has happened to several owners. If you can push a wire right through the
fitting, you know that the ball and spring are not in place. Owners
would be well advised to unscrew the nipple and inspect the inner end. If
the spring is not secure, either install a new fitting or pein again to
make it secure. If the ball and spring are missing, you really don't
know the situation. The ball may never get between the gears and you can
drive forever w/o steering lockup. Or, maybe it will lock up today.
Thanks for this to Chip Old & Dick Knudsen
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