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Duty time for alternator or dynamo

To: mgs <>, mgt <>
Subject: Duty time for alternator or dynamo
From: bullwinkle <>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 23:07:06 -0600

Does anyone know the duty time as a % of max output for a dynamo
or alternator?

My wire welder has different duty cycles.  At max output it's
about 25%.  That means on for one minute, off for three.

Home generators have a duty cycle which I would guess is about
10%.  That means they can take a 10% overload for a few seconds
as when a large motor starts up.

So, at what percentage can a dynamo or alternator be reliably
continuously run with out endangering it's health?  I wouldn't
think it would be at 100%.


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