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Re: Lucas Sport Coil/Timing

To: "Bill Loubiere" <>,
Subject: Re: Lucas Sport Coil/Timing
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 07:49:14 -0800

We have found that a plug gap of 35 thousandths works well with the Lucas
Sport Coil.

As for timing, using premium gas, we find 38 degrees at 3,000 r.p.m. to give
good results. It does depend on your compression ratio, though. If your head
has been shaved many times, and the bore size increased, you might find that
38 degrees is too much. If you notice pinging at this setting, back off the
timing till the pinging stops.

BTW, whatever you get for full advance at 5,000 rpm is already there by
3,000 (unless your distributor weights are out of whack) so let's not be
risking turning the engine into shrapnel by revving to 5K, unloaded,

British Sportscar Center

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