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Re: Unsolicited "T" mail

Subject: Re: Unsolicited "T" mail
From: Jerry Felper <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:33:21 -0700 wrote:

> Bud, I asked Hank Rippert about this, Hank is Chairman of the NEMGTR.  Here
> is his reply:
> Hello Terry:
> All I know is that I too received the flyer in the mail early this week.
> I do know for sure that The Register member database has not, and will not be
> sold
> or licensed to any individual, company, organization.
> I can only assume that the mailing list was self generated ?
> Hope that all is well with you!
> Kindest regards,
> hank
> I would emphasize that I also got the mailing and don't object to this kind
> of marketing of things that might be useful to me....I might run his ad in
> our newsletter also.
> Terry

It should be noted that there are two different generators used on the TD/TF.
The original one takes a different length armature and thicker brushes then the
late model Bug eye type placed on many MGs. Look for the inspection band. If it
is there than it is possibly the original one.


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