Pistons marked "Front" usually have a split on one side of the skirt.
Running them the wrong way round can cause premature failure. If the rest of
the engine appears not to have had much use since being rebuilt, it's
reasonable to assume the pistons will still be OK. However, you really
should take them out, have a competent automotive machine shop inspect them
for any unusual wear, then refit them the correct way round only if they are
given a clean bill of health (making sure the split side of the con rod
little end is on the correct side of the engine, too).
British Sportscar Center
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Smith <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 9:21 PM
Subject: MG TD Pistons
>Hi All
>I have been getting the TD mail for a while now but haven't had any
>questions to put out there until now. I am rebuilding a 1950 MG TD that
>was in stotage from approx 1976. On pulling the engine apart it appears
>that someone rebuilt it just before it was taken off the road and
>internally it is great. Bearings are like new, plastiguage shows them to
>be on spec, new pistons, rings etc. The problem is that the engine has
>obviously been run but it is impossible to tell how many miles were put
>on it. When I pulled the head and noticed the bores and the .030 pistons
>I was pleased but on taking a second look all of the pistons have been
>put in with the marking "FRONT" facing the back of the engine.
>The question is.....should I leave well enough alone or do I pull the
>pistons, disconnect the connecting rods and replace with the pistons the
>correct way around. Is it that critical now???