Scott Allen wrote:
> There was an article in TSO a few months back about how to use a strobe to
> dynamically time a T-type. Basically you disconnect the electical lead to
> the fuel pump, and then use just the starter to crank the engine. In a
> perfect world, you'd have an adjustable strobe so you can dial it in 4deg
> BTDC or so... Haven't tried it yet, but it should work.
> -Scott
> 52TD
I have found over the years that the MG Ts did not have enough spark advance
for proper performance. The TC/TDs had only 15 degrees at the dist. and the TF
had 13 degrees. For the best performance 17 degrees is desirable and a 17
degree plate could be purchased when the cars were new. If a timing light is
used at idle the advance will be about 6 degrees which gives better
Jerry Felper