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Re: No Oil Pressure

Subject: Re: No Oil Pressure
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 19:43:21 EDT
  Did you prime the pump?  Mine has never lost its prime from resting in
the garage, but it's possible, one supposes.
  Pull off the primer plug, pour oil in, replace plug, spin engine with
starter w/o ignition and you should get pressure on the gauge.  You may
have to repeat this a couple of times. 
  If you still don't see pressure, you can remove the priming plug and
crank the engine with the starter. This should give you a face full of
oil if the pump is working.  Once that oil flow is established, it should
pump pretty well.  I don't know how they primed pumps on the older cars
w/o the priming plug. This is sometimes hard enough.

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999 14:36:12 PDT "Scott Allen" <>
>So I finally fired up the TD today, and it doesn't have any oil
>pressure.  Well, it has some, like 4lbs or so.
>The car hasn't been running since December last year.  The only
>changes I've made to the system is I replaced the bulb in the
>gauge and I had the oil pump re-built.  Nothing else was
>mucked with.
>When I re-installed oil pump I
>pressurized the engine by feeding oil into the pump's
>priming hole with the valve cover off until I got oil coming
>out on top of the engine while turning it over.
>To head off any questions:
>The Head was re-built 1436 miles ago.
>The Block was re-built 463 miles ago.
>The rocker was re-bushed back in March, and as such has no miles
>on it.
>There are no oil leaks anywhere that I can find.
>The gauge worked fine prior to me taking the car off the road last
>Any help trouble shooting this will be greatly appreciated.
>Scott Allen

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