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Re: Ignition warning light

Subject: Re: Ignition warning light
From: Jerry Felper <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 08:24:58 -0800 wrote:

> I just installed a new wiring harness in a car that has not run for a decade.
>  The ignition lite golws bright when key is switched on, but only dims
> slightly when the engine is revved.  I'll go thought the checklist in the
> manual but thought there may be a simple solution.  I painted the generator.
> Is there a chance that it isn't grounded well enough?  I've tried two voltage
> regulators and the problem is consistent.
> John Olman

It sounds like your generator is malfunctioning. Connect the D & F terminals
together and run the engine at 2000RPM. If it charges the generator is OK if not
repair the generator.

Jerry Felper
British Auto Electric

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