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Re: Manifold Coating

Subject: Re: Manifold Coating
From: David C Littlefield <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 15:09:00 -0500
I don't think powder coating is a good choice, I don't believe it will
hold up to the heat.

I hear good things about Jet Hot.  They are on the web someplace.

BTW, is it correct that TD (or XPAG) manifolds were originally painted
white?  I have seen several painted that way, but I thought they came out
of the factory unpainted, as did other MG's (such as the "A")..  I don't
have my "Original MGT Series" handy to check.

David Littlefield
Houston, TX
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'88 Jaguar XJ-S

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