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RE: TC intake manifold

To: "Russ Wilson" <>, <mg-t@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: TC intake manifold
From: "John Swanland" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 16:25:33 +1000

> Can someone with an original manifold tell me if it has these holes?  If
> so, does anyone know what are they for?  Are they to be just left
> open?

Hell Russ

I own two original ones that have these holes.  No idea what they're for!

> BTW, this manifold, while ascetically very nice, is poorly
> machined and did
> not fit as purchased.  I questioned Moss Motors about it and was told that
> all the manifolds are like that - it is the best replacement they
> can find.
>  The service rep read from something (it wasn't in the catalog!) that
> stated several hours of hand fitting may be required.

I have two of these manifolds(original) and 4 carbs.  I use them
interchangeably with no fitting problems.


John Swanland
Melbourne Australia

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