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Re: [Land-speed] Waiting for the wave. Non LSR

To: Rich Fox <>,
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Waiting for the wave. Non LSR
From: James Tone <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 12:15:35 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
California has been wiped off the map.. Fear and anticipation has come true. In 
the north the "new" bay was made from Lake Tahoe and in the south half of the 
state the Colorado River dumps into the Pacific right at the new LA formally 
known as Las Vegas. The one major gain from this was the total loss of Baja 
Cali and major MJ routes in to, well no matter is not there anymore. Good thing 
my old coupe was stored upside down for such an emergency...I'm now living in 
it as a boat....................JD

>Subject: [Land-speed] Waiting for the wave. >
>I have been watching the local news this morning. Mostly about the wave 
>expected to be here around now from Japan. It's interesting that lots of 
>people from Half Moon Bay have driven up to Skyline Blvd. (About 1500-2000 
>FT.) to get out of the way. Just how big do they think this wave will be? On 
>the way they passed plenty of people going to the beach to get the best look 
>at the wave. I think the beach people have a better grasp of reality. But 
>still if I had to choose I think I would be with the hill people.

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