Looks like a close out sale from the museum in Winnemuka. The background for
most the photos are from the area. Miller and I saw most of those cars last
August when we went by after Speedweek. Al's streamliner is in there too.
--- On Tue, 6/9/09, Doug Odom <dlodom@charter.net> wrote:
From: Doug Odom <dlodom@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Sadd,Teague,Bentley Roadster at Auction
To: "Tom Shannon" <saltfevr@q.com>, land-speed@autox.team.net
Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 9:50 PM
Some guy bought that Buddy Baker Dodge on ebay for $800K last year from Cotton
Owens. There was another bidder that lost out in the last 3 seconds so maybe
he will buy it this time. I'm just glad a real racer ( Cotton ) got the big
money first. Cotton and Harry Hyde were a couple my heros back in the day.
Big ditch Doug
> Looks like a huge auto auction is set for Petersen Museum in So Cal for
> Sept. 26,2009. Some heavy hitters including the Sadd,Teague,Bentley
> Roadster,plus the 1951 Tom Beatty Belly Tank Lakester.
> Also stuff from Ohio George,Bill Maverik.Ed Roth,& others. Find the lsr
> on page 2 of 3:
> searchSubmit=1&Sale=RW09&yearFrom=&yearTo=&LotNum2=&Make=&Model#
> Tom Shannon
> Magna, Utah
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